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2009 Legislature Makes Changes in Oregon Felony DUII Law, Effective January 1, 2009.


In 1999 the Oregon Legislature created the new crime of Felony DUII. Under that law, persons who were convicted of their fourth DUII in a ten year span had the offense elevated to a Class C Felony rather than a misdemeanor. However, the law was drafted so as to exclude DUII convictions in Juvenile Court (“Juvenile Adjudications”).

Effective January 1, 2010, Juvenile Adjudications for DUII will be counted as one of the three “predicate offenses” in the ten year period for the purposes of charging Felony DUII.

In larger counties, this change may not make much of a difference. For instance, in Multnomah County, persons over 16 who commit traffic crimes have long been remanded to adult court, bypassing the Juvenile Court process. This “standing remand order” automatically transfers all juveniles accused of traffic crimes into the adult process.

This post relates to Oregon DUI laws.

By James F. O’Rourke Jr.

The post 2009 Legislature Makes Changes in Oregon Felony DUII Law, Effective January 1, 2009. appeared first on JFO Law.

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